Home made fairness cream

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Today I am back to share a home made fairness cream recipe which works very effectively for all skin types and for both men and women.

We get lots and lots of skin whitening creams in market that promise us instant results but mostly the chemical added creams are nothing to improve your complexion but there are some herbs which helps us greatly in improving skin complexion. One in such herbs is liquorice. This skin lightening cream was made with unrefined coconut oil and fresh liquorice root. Cocount oil reduces inflammation in skin and it is a good emoliant, liquorice root used in this recipe helps in skin lightening and it acts soothing on skin. This is a wonderful and easy skin lightening cream to make at home.
So why late?? Let's get started 👇
Recipe of home made fairness cream :

Ingredients :
1/4 cup virgin coconut oil
1/2 cup of water
1 tablespoon of beeswax pellets
2 inch piece of liquorice root
10 drops of essential oil

Method :
Pound the liquorice root and boil the water along with pounded liquorice root till it reduces to half and strain it.
Take coconut oil and add bees wax into it and boil this until bees wax melts completely and let it cool a bit.

Take liquorice tea and essential oil in a bowl and beat it well, while doing this pour coconut oil and bees wax mixture into it and beat it well until it turns into smooth thick paste.
Take it in a glass jar and store it.


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