Natural skin lightening chemical peel at home

Hey everyone 🙋
Today Iam back here to share how to do natural skin lightening chemical peel at home which is glycolic acid peel which very effectively make your skin fair.
Glycolic peel is most common treatments done world wide for reducing acne, acne scars, melasma, photo aging and hyper pigmentation. Generally for the treatment glycolic acid is main ingredient which will obtain from sugarcane. Since glycolic acid has smallest molecular weight, it penetrates into the skin very easily which is also a major reason that it is popular. There is lot of difference in applying fresh sugarcane extracts and glycolic acid isolated from sugarcane. When we apply straight glycolic acid, the amount of time it is to be applied and concentration is very important amd certain precautions like applying topical retinoids should be done before doing the treatment to avoid skin burning so it is done in the hands of a experts but there is a way to do glycolic acid peel at home without worrying about any side effects. This homemade glycolic acid peel off mask will smoothens your skin immediately, removes black heads and white heads along with fading scars, darkspots, sun tan and pigmentation.
Method of natural glycolic acid peel at home👇:

Ingredients :
# Jaggery
# Gelatin
# Honey

Method :
First take a small piece of jaggery in a bowl and add 3 tablespoons of water to it and boil this on a low flame till Jaggery melts totally and dissolves into water and strain.
Now take 2 tablespoons of jaggery water in a bowl and add a tablespoon of gelatin to it and let the mixture sit for few minutes till gelatin blooms.
Now heat this mixture in a double boiler till gelatin fully dissolves, to the dissolved mixture add 1/4 teaspoon and mix well.
Finally home made glycolic acid peel is ready to use.
How to use this chemical peel at home :
Using a brush apply a thin coat of this chemical peel all over face and neck and wait till it dries out completely. Make sure that you apply even coat all over face and neck.
Once completly dry, peel off the mask slowly. When we peel it off it will also take out the weak facial hair along with black heads and white heads.
Redness, irritation and swelling are the common side effects of chemical glycolic peel but with this homemade peel off mask you dont gets any side effects.
It fades scars and blemishes and help us to get smooth even skin tone.
Use it weekly once regularly.


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